Planning, Design, and Construction Phase Surveying, Subsurface Utility, UAV, and Civil Engineering Services

The graphic below depicts projects adjacent to and in the vicinity of the subject project where HMCG has provided, or is currently providing, services in the disciplines of professional surveying, civil engineering, and/or subsurface utility engineering for UNM HSC, UNMH, and/or UNM.
HMCG has provided, or is currently providing full-service professional surveying, civil engineering, and subsurface utility engineering services for the following area projects:
Example Civil Engineering, Surveying and Subsurface Utility Projects
- Phases 1-3 of the UNM HSC Domenici Health Sciences Center
- UNM HSC Domenici Hall Substance Use and Brain Injury Addition and MIND Drainage Corrections
- UNM Dental Residency Clinic
- UNM Cancer Research and Treatment Center (CRTC)
- UNM HSC 1111 Stanford Parking Lot
- UNM Family Practice ADA Route and Drainage Project
- UNM Helix Memorial Garden
- UNM HSC Elks Lodge Parking Lot
- UNM Lands West Camino de Salud, Data Center, and Drainage Corrections Projects
- UNMH Galles Facility Site Improvements
- UNM Bratton Hall Drainage Investigation and Corrections
- UNM Carrie Tingley Hospital Drainage Analysis and Corrections
In addition to the preceding, HMCG is proud to be part of the A/E team recently selected for the UNM HSC College of Nursing and Population Health Building.
HMCG has over 30 years of surveying and utility consultation experience at UNM. In 1998, our firm developed the University of New Mexico Campus Utility Mapping. That initial effort was followed by an update in 2007 and another in 2013 that expanded the mapping to include the UNM South Campus. The most recent update in 2013 included the designation (line-spotting) and surveying of significant utility improvements that had been constructed since 2007. Our firm’s familiarity with UNM facilities along with the utility information that we currently have available gives our firm a unique advantage that will result in the comprehensive depiction of current UNM utility conditions.
Recent UNMH Modernization Project
HMCG provided comprehensive Subsurface Utility Consultation and Topographic & Utility Surveying services to support the ongoing UNMH Modernization Projects and the Comprehensive Movement Disorders Clinic. These projects include the Early Work Infrastructure Modifications for Yale Blvd. NE, the new Parking Structure and the new Hospital Tower.
The HMCG Subsurface Utility Department is now responsible for handling all NM811 Responses related to the UNMH Modernization projects on behalf of UNM Facilities and UNMH. Concurrently, the HMCG Surveying Department is providing construction phase surveying services for the Bradbury Stamm / Hunt Joint Venture Construction Team. During the coming years we will continue to build upon the overall site conditions mapping database as the various projects evolve.
The following image shows an example of utility surveying information developed in the past that continues to serve ongoing UNM, UNM HSC and UNMH projects.

The following surveying projects have been conducted for various UNM endeavors in the past and also provide readily available historic information for use by HMCG and our clients:
2008 – UNM Building Survey Update
2007 – UNM North Campus Boundary Survey
2002 – Lomas/Yale UNMH Reconfiguration
2002 – UNMH Pavilion Topographic & Utility Survey
1996 – UNM Central & North Campus Building Location